In this moment of uncertainty mainly due to the consequences of the #coronavirus, to the restrictions and therefore to the slowdown if not in some cases to the stop of consumption, many companies wonder about the scenario that will characterize the market in the coming months. Production and commercial activities should be able to restart and return to normality, but certainly many aspects and many balances are changing, starting from the management difficulties of this phase which without any doubt will have repercussions on the future management of many companies.
Moreover, the market trend is not uniform, because at an international level different rhythms are emerging, with countries that first started to contain the effects of the pandemic and that therefore will be able to restart activities ahead of others that have yet to face the spread of the virus and therefore implement restrictions on the production and social system.
This will therefore lead to a review of the planning of the scheduled commercial actions, including participation in trade fairs or investments in distribution or retail. But this phase also affects companies working on third parties commitments, with supply contracts for partners or clients which are on different markets and therefore forced to remodel the planning of purchases and sales.
A situation that, indeed, we are not yet able to define if not in the evaluation of a possible general and slow recovery but discontinuous, which could present very different scenarios and above all very different timescales.
It is also to be said that some realities could take this moment to change objectives, change strategies and then to change supply relationships or upstream collaboration agreements.
The reality is that an atmosphere of uncertainty has arisen at the moment, where it shoud be appropriate to respond with weighted actions not dictated by impulsiveness.
And not being able to foresee like I would, I believe that a fixed point to focus on is the concept of brand identity and its positioning.
Article edited by Davide Diurisi:
A necessary and important job to do especially in phases of uncertainty, it is the analysis of the corporate positioning that should be periodically reviewed, even in normal situations because the markets change, technologies evolve, consumers act on the basis of values, tastes, needs, different ideas.
In such an ever-changing era, where communication and technology create new conditions within a few months, a company perfectly positioned with respect to an economic period and agile enough to change its design capacity or in some cases production, is able to operate successfully on the reference market.
How this approach translates into practice ?
The future that awaits SMEs above all is therefore a future to be partially rewritten, but not very different from what we had to refer to before. Probably at this time it becomes even more important to review the business development plan, with the dual aim to preserve the business from a difficult phase and – at the same time – take new opportunities knowing what to do.
MITO has long been devoting its attention to the theme of positioning and has developed various projects for SMEs and major brands, also combining them in licensing or co-branding initiatives.
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