Italy has many talents and many excellences, but too often just one is missing#vision business that goes beyond the product and exploits#research, #innovation, #ideas.
#businessdevelopment – Business development can be achieved through various initiatives, certainly requires – as we always maintain – investments and vision.
One very successful case we like to mention is Vegea, Lombard company founded in 2016, who has developed a vegetable leather made from the waste of wine processing. In addition to having significant benefits in environmental and ethical terms, offers countless areas of application (from clothing, to the furniture, to car interiors, al packaging) and thanks to the vision of its founder it was chosen by#Bentley for his prototype Bentley EXP 100 GT, made to celebrate the centenary of the British brand.
But the story does not end here, because the company aims at the sector#fashion and the continuous search for new applications that will find further development opportunities thanks to the characteristics of the product.
A guessed policy of#brand it will then be essential for this company to support new market challenges, diversifying and also moving into other market areas where you can spend your money#value and where to build an iconic story.
#mitoluxurybusiness #mito2020 #project file #The chemical was tpossible